The unique Kubu system consists of the Kubu app, the home hub, and the Kubu door module.
You download the Kubu app to your phone. You then plug in the home hub to connect your doors to your home wi-fi. The door module fits into a specially designed Kubu equipped door with red Kubu stickers and transmits a message to the home hub. The home hub then connects to the Kubu app, allowing you to check the status of your door no matter where you are, at any time of day, directly from your phone.
As well as having a consumer facing website, there was also a separate site for professionals and the trade. Rather than giving the impression of a logical series of straight forward and well connected steps that seamlessly work together, the websites presented multiple disparate elements that made the system appear complicated and disjointed.
In addition, we also created a smart pack builder which asks customers simple questions to ensure they purchase the correct suite of products for their home making the user journey straightforward and intuitive.
No Kubu compatible door? No problem just enter your postcode and the website will even show your nearest door installer to request a call back.
The new website also has a full password protected trade area for professionals to register and access marketing materials and a consumer focused support section.
Kubu’s new website has simplified the users journey resulting in both consumer kit sales and registrations increasing from trade installers in the initial few months.