We had been working with Stedek for a number of years and following a period of sustained growth and investment in new technology within the organisation, Stedek were looking to further increase their marketing efforts. Harrison Carloss conducted a full day strategy workshop with the client to identify their vision, values, customer personas and define marketing objectives for the year.
We identified a key marketing objective for Stedek was to increase the number of Residence Collection customers within the first quarter of the year.
Return on Investment
Leads generated during campaign period
Stedek had invested in technology and improved manufacturing processes significantly, enabling them to have a unique go to market proposition that only a handful of fabricators have in the UK for The Residence Collection.
We developed our campaign messaging focussing on how The Residence Collection is different when manufactured by Stedek as opposed to other fabricators.
We also ensured tracking was embedded across all channels and the website to monitor responses and engagement across the 8 week campaign. The prospects that engaged with the campaign were then personally followed up by the Sales Director to build on that engagement and convert into a customer, ultimately people buy from people.
This has been by far the most rewarding period of work between Stedek and HC and hopefully you can see that given the chance we are pretty good at converting people to Stedek. We can’t let the momentum stop now we need to keep the pedal to the metal and keep driving sales enquiries to the business! Thanks once again.