The Japanese police might tell a different story.
Officially he describes himself as having a degree in game art and design from Norwich University of the Arts, ‘a dynamic, modern and creative community providing art, design, architecture and media education from a unique campus’, said by one reviewer to be “always clean”. (The campus, that is. Jordan is another kettle of sushi altogether.)
But more on that later.
Jordan admits to having done a stint as a caricature artist at Alton Towers – a likely story.
It seems that Jordan left the country and was next seen in Japan, where he lived for four years working as an English teacher. The plot, as they say, thickens.
In fact rumour suggests that Jordan was actually Yakuza, also known as gokudō, who are members of a transnational organized crime syndicate originating in Japan.
The way Jordan puts it, “I re-evaluated life and re-trained as a programmer – best idea I’ve had, best job I’ve had.”
The Japanese police might tell a different story.
“It isn’t what you don’t know that’ll get you in trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just isn’t so.”
(Which as everyone knows is an old Yakuza saying.)