Just before I started my work experience at Harrison Carloss, I was really nervous as this would be the first time working in an office with people who I don’t know. Nevertheless I kept my head high, positive and ready for a new experience.
When I arrived at the office I introduced myself to the employees (all of them are really friendly!) then talking to a few of them on what I do in school and what I enjoy. We then all moved in the meeting room to discuss about what stage we are at with the client projects and how they can deal with any problems (If needed).
After we had the meeting, I then moved on to: PHP, WordPress, PWA (Progressive Web app) and HTML. I researched them and learned about the different software. The more I learn about what I need to do, the more confident I am. After I did some research I then went on a website where I practiced the coding skills from the research.
The second day, I walked in with confidence and for the whole day I had to go through a website, writing any bugs and fixes on a Google doc then sending it to one of the developers. Then in-between doing the website exercise, I took a bit of time to do some practice coding with HTML then going back through the website.
On the third day I started it off with talking to Adam Taylor about how the week has gone, after that I went into a meeting with Rebecca talking about how certain people can change certain things on their website. Then finally I looked at blender and some designs.
Throughout the days I’ve been at Harrison Carloss, I’ve really enjoyed myself, I learned lots about web design. I’ve also grew my confidence to the point of not being nervous. I’m very thankful for all the people who helped me on this experience.
Thank you!